Please fill out this form
Your answers will help us select the best solution for your business.
What does your company do?
Where are your freelancers/remote teams based?
How many freelancers will be paid with EasyStaff?
up to 50
How often will you send payments?
Every week
At least twice a month
Once a month
Once in two months
Several times a year
How did you pay your freelancers/remote teams before?
Sent money directly to them with bank transfers
Have not paid yet
Used cryptocurrency
Used other payment services
Other methods
When do you need to make your first payment?
On average, how much is a single payment to a single contractor?
Up to €500
Up to €1000
Above €1000
How Did You Hear About Us?
Word of mouth (referral from a freelancer)
Press coverage or news articles (Bloomberg, Medium, RBC)
Social media advertising (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
Search engine advertising (Google Ads, Yandex.Direct, etc.)
Other website or blog
Other company or organization
Preferred method of contact.
Phone call
Please help us reach you more efficiently by sharing a link to your preferred messenger or social media profiles. Thank you!
Send the form