In order to send a payment, create a task on the Tasks tab. Click Create and fill out the form that opens.
In the Net price line, specify the amount that the contractor should receive, the service commission is added to the amount of the task.
Please note, if your contractor receives payment in cryptocurrency, then create a task in USD currency. If your contractor receives payment to a bank card issued by a Russian bank, then create a task in RUB currency.
The minimum task amount is 10 USD/EUR, 50 UAH, 100 RUB. The maximum task amount is 10,000 EUR/USD, 400,000 UAH, 1,000,000 RUB.
Task statuses:
Created — the task was created, but not sent to the freelancer
Sent to freelancer— the task was created and sent to the freelancer
Sent to customer — the task has been sent to the customer for approval
Accepted — the task was accepted by the customer, there was a write-off from the company’s balance and an accrual to the freelancer’s balance
Cancelled — the task is cancelled
To copy a task, use the Copy task button.
If you don’t want to see the task in the list of active tasks, then archive it with the Move to archive button.